Secretary’s Duties

By-Laws – Article IV – Officers – 4 – Secretary:

“The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the directors and the members. He shall attend to the giving and serving of all notices to the members and directors and other notices as required by law. He shall have custody of the seal of the ASSOCIATION and affix the same to instruments requiring a seal when duly signed. He shall keep the records of the ASSOCIATION, except those of the Treasurer, and shall perform all other duties incident to the office of Secretary of an association and as may be required by the directors or the President. The Assistant Secretary shall perform the duties of the Secretary when the Secretary is absent. “

The Housing for Older Persons Act 1995

Camino Woods II is registered with the Florida Commission on Human Relations as a community that provides housing for older people as defined in the act.

The Association secretary must:

  1. Renew the registration every two years.
  2. Maintain a file showing that at least on resident in each occupied unit is fifty-five years of age or older. Drivers License, Birth Certificate or Passport are considered to be reliable documents for providing proof of age.

Association Records

The Association Records will be kept in a filing system maintained by the secretary. The retention period will be as follows:

CategoryType of FileRetention Period
MinutesBoard Meetings
Members’ Meetings
Special Meetings
MinutesCommittee MeetingsThree years.
MeetingsNotice of Meeting
Certificate of Voting
One year from the date of a regular meeting
or permanent for special meetings.
Governing DocumentsDeclaration of Restrictions
Articles of Incorporation
Current, past and amendments: permanent.
Governing DocumentsRules and RegulationsUntil superceded.
Governing DocumentsArchitectural GuidelinesUntil superceded.
Governing DocumentsArchitectural ReviewsPermanent.
LegalCourt Filings
InsurancePolicy DocumentsThree years if no claim filed or
three years from date of settlement of a claim.
Insurance Certificate
Three years from date of termination.